Microsoft office professional 2010 cannot verify the licence for this product free download. "Microsoft Office cannot verify the license for this product" error when you start an Office app
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Microsoft Office Professional Plus cannot verify the license for - Microsoft CommunityCannot verify the license for this product when you start an Office app - Office | Microsoft Docs - Fix Microsoft Office 2010 “Cannot Verify The License For This Product” Error
To access Winword. Once the above mentioned steps are completed you may check if Office application works fine. Once the uninstallation is completed you may use the installation source file and the product key to reinstall Office on the computer and check if it works fine.
I hope it helps. Let us know if you need further help. This has just happened to me today. I have had Microsoft Office Professional Plus for over a year.
Today I get the error message: 'Microsoft Office Professional Plus cannot verify the license for this product. You should repair using Control Panel.
Have tried other solutions suggested by Raju but still getting the same error message. Microsoft online help adviser said to call Microsoft in Reading? Did you follow all the steps mentioned in the above post? Did you uninstall and reinstall Office applications? You may refer to the thread link below which discusses about the same issue and check if it helps:. Choose where you want to search below Search Search the Community.
Search the community and support articles Install, upgrade and activate Microsoft and Office Search Community member. I bought office professional plus over a year ago and have been using all the products fine so far. Suddenly a message now pops up when I try to open any office programs saying "Microsoft Office Professional Plus cannot verify the license for this product. You should repair the Office program by using the Control Panel".
I have tried this, re-entered the key I was given when I bought the product and rebooted my computer but it still isn't working and the same error message comes up? Was this reply helpful? Yes No. Sorry this didn't help. Thanks for your feedback. Choose where you want to search below Search Search the Community.
You can apply the below fix to all such office versions. Step 1. Open Command Prompt as administrator. Step 2. By typing the following command in cmd- cd.. Hit Enter on your keyboard cd.. Step 3. Now type cscript ospp. Hi, for single-machine and end-user issues, we recommend MS Answers Forums.
Hi, As I have not heard from you recently, I was wondering if the issue has been resloved. Tuesday, November 22, AM. Thursday, November 14, PM. Wednesday, February 5, PM. Worked for me as well! Tuesday, September 27, PM. Yep, This actually worked.
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